Oracle EBS Application Expert
Oracle EBS
¿En qué consiste?
Los Application Experts en Oracle EBS están capacitados para realizar las siguientes actividades: configuración de ciclos de negocio básicos en los módulos de Oracle EBS incluidos en el temario, soporte a usuarios, uso y configuración de integraciones con otros sistemas y aplicaciones, capacitación a usuarios finales, análisis y mejora de procesos utilizando las funcionalidades del sistema.
Este curso, impartido por profesionales con más de 20 años de experiencia en Oracle EBS, tiene como objetivo acercar a nivel básico los aspectos principales que ha de conocer un Application Expert de Oracle EBS.
Duración: según la elección de módulos a impartir
Modalidad presencial u online
Capacidad hasta 10 alumnos
1. Intro. to Acct & Finance
- Accounting & Budgeting
- Financial Report & Control
- Financial Process Flows
2. Intro. to Oracle Oracle EBS
- Introduction to Oracle EBS
- Navegation to Oracle EBS
3. General Ledger
- General Vision
- Basic Setup
- Operations in General Ledger
- Closings and Reconciliations
- Advanced Functionalities
- Practices and exercises
4. Subledger Accounting
- Basic Concepts of Subledger Accounting
- Basic Setup
- Accounting Rules
- Accounting Event Management
- Reporting and Analysis
- Practices and exercises
5. EBTax
- General Vision
- Tax Basics in Oracle eBTax
- eBTax basic Setup
- Tax Rules Setup
- Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
6. Purchasing
- Introduction
- Basic Setup Purchase
- Requisition and Order
- Processing Supplier Management
- Reports and Analysis
- Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
7. Inventory
- Introduction to Inventory Management
- Inventory basic Setup
- Inventory Transactions
- Inventory Control
- Reports and Analysis
- Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
8. Account Payable
- General Vision
- Payables basic Setup
- Supplier Management
- Invoice Management
- Payment Management
- Reports and Analysis
- Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
9. Fixed Assets
- General Vision Fixed
- Assets Basic Setup
- Asset Capitalization Process
- Asset Depreciation
- Asset Lifecycle Management Reports and Analysis Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
10. Subledger Accounting
- Sales Catalog Creation and Management
- Pricing and Discounts
- Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
11. Order Management
- General Vision
- Order Management basic Setup
- Customer Management Order Processing
- Billing and Financial Management
- Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
12. Accounts Receivable
- General Vision
- Receivables basic Setup
- Transaction Processing
- Revenue Recognition
- Reports and Analysis
- Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
13. Discrete Manufacturing
- Introduction to Manufacturing
- SeUp & Configuration
- Production Planning
- Work Order Management
- Costing and Quality Management
- Reporting and Analisys
14. OPM Manufacturing
- Introduction to Manufacturing
- SetUp & Configuration
- Production Planning
- Batch and Work Order Management
- Costing and Quality Management
- Reporting and Analisys
1. Intro. to Acct & Finance
- Accounting & Budgeting
- Financial Report & Control
- Financial Process Flows
2. Intro. to Oracle Oracle EBS
- Introduction to Oracle EBS
- Navegation to Oracle EBS
3. General Ledger
- General Vision
- Basic Setup
- Operations in General Ledger
- Closings and Reconciliations
- Advanced Functionalities
- Practices and exercises
4. Subledger Accounting
- Basic Concepts of Subledger Accounting
- Basic Setup
- Accounting Rules
- Accounting Event Management
- Reporting and Analysis
- Practices and exercises
5. EBTax
- General Vision
- Tax Basics in Oracle eBTax
- eBTax basic Setup
- Tax Rules Setup
- Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
6. Purchasing
- Introduction
- Basic Setup Purchase
- Requisition and Order
- Processing Supplier Management
- Reports and Analysis
- Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
7. Inventory
- Introduction to Inventory Management
- Inventory basic Setup
- Inventory Transactions
- Inventory Control
- Reports and Analysis
- Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
8. Account Payable
- General Vision
- Payables basic Setup
- Supplier Management
- Invoice Management
- Payment Management
- Reports and Analysis
- Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
9. Fixed Assets
- General Vision Fixed
- Assets Basic Setup
- Asset Capitalization Process
- Asset Depreciation
- Asset Lifecycle Management Reports and Analysis Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
10. Subledger Accounting
- Sales Catalog Creation and Management
- Pricing and Discounts
- Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
11. Order Management
- General Vision
- Order Management basic Setup
- Customer Management Order Processing
- Billing and Financial Management
- Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
12. Accounts Receivable
- General Vision
- Receivables basic Setup
- Transaction Processing
- Revenue Recognition
- Reports and Analysis
- Integration with other EBS modules
- Practices and exercises
13. Discrete Manufacturing
- Introduction to Manufacturing
- SeUp & Configuration
- Production Planning
- Work Order Management
- Costing and Quality Management
- Reporting and Analisys
14. OPM Manufacturing
- Introduction to Manufacturing
- SetUp & Configuration
- Production Planning
- Batch and Work Order Management
- Costing and Quality Management
- Reporting and Analisys
Preguntas frecuentes
¿Qué habilidades debe tener el alumno para este curso?
- Conocimientos básicos de sistemas ERP
- Conocimiento en los procesos de negocio soportados por los módulos EBS en los que se forme
- Habilidad para analizar problemas y proponer soluciones prácticas
- Atención a los detalles para configurar y mantener correctamente los módulos de Oracle EBS
¿Qué habilidades tendrá el alumno una vez finalice el curso?
- Capacidad para configurar y gestionar módulos clave de Oracle EBS en los que se forme
- Habilidad para analizar procesos empresariales y optimizarlos utilizando las funcionalidades de Oracle EBS
- Aptitud para proporcionar soporte funcional a los usuarios finales
- Capacidad para mantenerse actualizado con las últimas mejoras y actualizaciones de Oracle EBS
¿Qué herramientas y enfoque utilizaremos?
Curso teórico/práctico en el que nos apoyaremos con casos de uso. Los alumnos dispondrán de un entorno de formación con disponibilidad exclusiva durante un mes.